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Excellence. Compassion. Results.


Unsolicited robocalls are the scourge of modern civilization.

Burke Law brings telephone "spammers" to justice, pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. 

We have recovered more than $300,000,000 for consumers in the past thirteen years.

Have you received a robocall from an insurance company? We want to talk to you!  

  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Equal Opportunity Credit Act
  • General Consumer Fraud

We bring a diverse background to the table, allowing us to advocate for you in many other areas of law, too. This gives Burke Law Offices, LLC an edge when dealing with complex legal matters.

For the past fifteen years, Burke Law has focused its attention on curbing the scourge of unsolicited robocalls.  

Burke Law Offices, LLC offers free initial consultations. Our services include:



Insurance companies, banks and debt collectors that we deal with in our everyday life are programmed to take every advantage they possibly can to promote profitability and efficiency. Certainly we cannot fault these natural tendencies. Unfortunately, however, greed and sloppiness take over and these efforts come illegally and improperly at the expense of the people who they need most: their potential customers and employees. That's where Burke Law Offices, LLC steps in. We are dedicated to asserting and vindicating consumers’ right to privacy; the right to be left alone. Even the smallest fraud or the simplest robocall, when repeated millions of times, represents big profits at the expense of your personal privacy.


EXCELLENCE. We hold ourselves to the highest standards in everything we do. Our clients stand tall knowing that Burke Law Offices, LLC represents their interests.


COMPASSION. There is a reason lawyers are known also as "counselors." At Burke Law Offices, LLC, we are sensitive to the fact that the wrongs for which we seek redress have often had profound effects on our clients' lives. 


RESULTS. We strive to obtain the very best results possible for our clients. 


If you have received (1) unsolicited telemarketing on your cell phone, (2) repeated automated debt collection calls despite requests to stop, or (3) telemarketing to your home phone or personal cell phone after you have asked for calls to stop, then please call for a free consultation.



Alexander H. Burke

Phone: (312) 729-5288

Alexander Burke is the owner of Burke Law Offices, LLC.


Mr. Burke graduated from Colgate University in 1997 (B.A. International Relations), and from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 2003 (J.D.).


He became licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois in 2003, and the State of Wisconsin in 2011. Mr. Burke is also a member of the bar of the United States Court of Appeals for the First, Second, Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh Circuits, as well as the Northern District of Illinois, Central District of Illinois, Southern District of Illinois, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Northern District of Indiana, Southern District of Indiana, Eastern District of Michigan, Western District of Michigan, District of Nebraska and Western District of New York. 


He is an active member of the Chicago Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

Daniel J. Marovitch

Phone: (312) 729-5287

Mr. Marovitch graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign in 2006, and he received his J.D. from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 2010.


Mr. Marovitch is admitted to practice in the State of Illinois and the Northern District of Illinois, and he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

Some notable cases Mr. Burke has worked on include:


  • Bilek v. Federal Ins. Co., 2022 WL 4298187 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 12, 2022) (motion to dismiss internal do-not-call claims denied)

  • Bradley v., 617 F.Supp.3d 326 (D. Md. 2022) (motion to dismiss denied)

  • Brown v. DirecTV, LLC, 562 F.Supp.3d 590 (C.D.Cal. 2021) (summary judgment entered for plaintiff and class on vicarious liability)

  • Hossfeld v. Allstate Ins. Co., 2021 WL 4819498 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 15, 2021) (compelling disclosure of Defendant’s internal do-not-call list)

  • Marshall v. Grubhub Inc., 2021 WL 4401496 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 27, 2021) (motion to dismiss denied);

  • Bilek v. Federal Ins. Co., 8 F.4th 581, 584 (7th Cir. 2021) (reversing dismissal of TCPA complaint; holding that vicarious liability allegations may form basis for personal jurisdiction)

  • Kyle v. Federal Trade Comm’n, 2021 WL 1407960 (W.D. Mo. Apr. 14, 2021) (subpoena enforcement action compelling in part production of national do-not-call registry)

  • Kyle v. Charter Commc'ns, Inc., 2020 WL 2028269 (W.D. Mo. Apr. 27, 2020) (motion to dismiss or stay TCPA case denied)

  • Gurzi v. Penn Credit, Corp., 2020 WL 1501893 (M.D. Fla. Mar. 30, 2020) (finding VoApps calls to be covered by the TCPA)

  • Hoagland v. Axos Bank, 2020 WL 583974 (S.D. Cal. Feb. 6, 2020) (motion to dismiss or stay TCPA case denied)

  • Charvat v. Valente, 2019 WL 5576932 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 28, 2019) ($12.5M TCPA settlement finally approved)

  • Leeb v. Charter Commc'ns, Inc., 2019 WL 1472587 (E.D. Mo. Apr. 3, 2019) (appointing Burke Law Offices as Fed.R.Civ.P. 23(g) interim lead class counsel), earlier decision 2019 WL 144132 (Jan. 19, 2019) (compelling class data in TCPA case)

  • Rodriguez v. Premier Bankcard, LLC, No. 3:16-cv-02541, 2018 WL 4184742 (N.D. Ohio Aug. 31, 2018) (defense summary judgment motion denied)

  • Saunders v. Dyck O'Neal, Inc., No. 1:17-cv-00335, 2018 WL 3453967 (W.D. Mich. July 16, 2018) (as a matter of first impression, holding that “direct drop” voice mails are covered by the TCPA)

  • Postle v. Allstate Ins. Co., No. 17-CV-07179, 2018 WL 1811331, at *1 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 17, 2018) (denying motion to dismiss on statutory standing grounds)

  • Toney v. Quality Res., Inc., 323 F.R.D. 567, 573 (N.D. Ill. 2018) (certifying contested telemarketing TCPA class);

  • Cross v. Wells Fargo, N.A., 1:15-cv-1270, Dkt. 103 (Feb. 10, 2017 N.D. Ga.) (final approval granted for $30M class settlement where I was lead counsel)

  • Lowe v. CVS Pharmacy, Inc., No. 14 C 3687, 2017 WL 528379 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 9, 2017) (personal jurisdiction motion denied in large TCPA case)

  • Markos v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Case No. 1:15-cv-1156-LMM, 2017 WL 416425 (Jan. 30, 2017, N.D. Ga.) (final approval granted for $16M class settlement where I was lead counsel)

  • Tillman v. The Hertz Corp., No. 16 C 4242, 2016 WL 5934094 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 11, 2016) (motion to compel TCPA class case into arbitration denied)

  • Hurst v. Monitronics Int'l, Inc., No. 1:15-CV-1844-TWT, 2016 WL 523385 (N.D. Ga. Feb. 10, 2016); (motion to compel arbitration denied)

  • Smith v. Royal Bahamas Cruise Line, No. 14-CV-03462, 2016 WL 232425 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 20, 2016) (personal jurisdiction motion denied)

  • Bell v. PNC Bank, Nat’l Ass’n., 800 F.3d 360 (7th Cir. 2015) (class certification affirmed in wage and hour case)

  • Charvat v. Travel Services, 2015 WL 3917046 (N.D. Ill. June 24, 2015) (determining proper scope of class representative discovery in TCPA case), and 2015 WL 3575636 (N.D. Ill. June 8, 2015) (granting plaintiff’s motion to compel vicarious liability/agency discovery in TCPA case)

  • Lees v. Anthem Ins. Cos. Inc., 2015 WL 3645208 (E.D. Mo. June 10, 2015) (finally approving TCPA class settlement where I was class counsel)

  • Hofer v. Synchrony Bank, 2015 WL 2374696 (E.D. Mo. May 18, 2015) (denying motion to stay TCPA case on primary jurisdiction grounds)

  • In re Capital One TCPA Litig., No. 11-5886, 2015 WL 605203 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 12, 2015) (granting final approval to $75,000,000 TCPA class settlement where Alex Burke was class counsel)

  • Wilkins v. HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A., 2015 WL 890566 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 27, 2015) (granting final approval to TCPA class settlement where Alex Burke was class counsel)

  • Hossfeld v. Govt. Employees Ins. Co., 88 F. Supp. 3d 504 (D. Md. 2015) (denying motion to dismiss in TCPA class action)

  • Legg v. Quicken Loans, Inc., 2015 WL 897476 (S.D. Fla. Feb. 25, 2015) (denying motion to dismiss in TCPA case)

  • Hanley v. Fifth Third Bank, No. 1:12-cv-1612 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 27, 2013) (final approval for $4.5 million nonreversionary TCPA settlement)

  • Smith v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 2014 WL 228892, (N.D. Ill. Jan. 21, 2014) (designating Burke Law as Fed.R.Civ.P. 23(g) interim liaison counsel pursuant to contested motion in large TCPA class case), 2014 WL 3906923 (Aug. 11, 2014) (motion to dismiss denied in cutting edge TCPA vicarious liability case); Markovic v. Appriss, Inc., 2013 WL 6887972 (S.D. Ind. Dec. 31, 2013) (motion to dismiss denied in TCPA class case)

  • Martin v. Comcast Corp., 2013 WL 6229934 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 26, 2013) (motion to dismiss denied in TCPA class case)

  • Gold v. YouMail, Inc., 2013 WL 652549 (S.D. Ind. Feb. 21, 2013) (contested motion for leave to amend granted to permit cutting-edge vicarious liability theory allegations)

  • Martin v. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., No. 1:12-cv-215 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 21, 2012) (Denlow, J.) (certifying litigation class and appointing me as class counsel) (final approval granted for $7.5 million class settlement granted January 16, 2014)

  • Desai v. ADT, Inc., No. 1:11-cv-1925 (N.D. Ill. June 21, 2013) (final approval for $15 million TCPA class settlement granted)

  • Martin v. CCH, Inc., No. 1:10-cv-3494 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 20, 2013) (final approval granted for $2 million class settlement in TCPA autodialer case); Martin v. Leading Edge Recovery Solutions, LLC, 2012 WL 3292838 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 10, 2012) (denying motion to dismiss TCPA case on constitutional grounds)

  • Soppet v. Enhanced Recovery Co., 2011 WL 3704681(N.D. Ill. Aug 21, 2011), aff’d, 679 F.3d 637 (7th Cir. 2012) (TCPA defendant’s summary judgment motion denied. My participation was limited to litigation in the lower court); D.G. ex rel.

  • Tang v. William W. Siegel & Assocs., Attorneys at Law, LLC, 2011 WL 2356390 (N.D. Ill. Jun 14, 2011)

  • Martin v. Bureau of Collection Recovery, 2011 WL 2311869 (N.D. Ill. June 13, 2011) (motion to compel TCPA class discovery granted)

  • Powell v. West Asset Mgmt., Inc., 773 F. Supp. 2d 898 (N.D. Ill. 2011) (debt collector TCPA defendant’s “failure to mitigate” defense stricken for failure to state a defense upon which relief may be granted)

  • Fike v. The Bureaus, Inc., 09-cv-2558 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 3, 2010) (final approval granted for $800,000 TCPA settlement in autodialer case against debt collection agency)

  • Donnelly v. NCO Fin. Sys., Inc., 263 F.R.D. 500 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 16, 2009) (Fed. R. Civ. P. 72 objections overruled in toto), 2010 WL 308975 (N.D. Ill. Jan 13, 2010) (novel class action and TCPA discovery issues decided favorably to class)




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909 Davis Street, Suite 500, Evanston, IL 60201

Tel:  312-729-5288

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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This website may be considered an advertisement in certain jurisdictions. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Please be aware that the sending of an e-mail message to Burke Law Offices, LLC through this website or otherwise does not create an attorney-client relationship, and does not contractually obligate Burke Law Offices, LLC to represent you as your attorney. Burke Law Offices, LLC cannot serve as your counsel in any matter unless you and our firm expressly agree, in writing, that we will serve as your attorney. You should be aware that the statute of limitations (the deadline imposed by law within which you may bring a lawsuit) may severely limit the time remaining for you to file any potential claim.

© 2017 Burke Law Offices, LLC

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